Automated LetsEncrypt on GitLab Pages
Edit 2020-03-17: This has been obsolete for a while now. GitLab has baked-in LetsEncrypt infrastructure, so go use that!
The two links above describe how to set up an auto-renewing LetsEncrypt SSL Certificate on gitlab pages. The instructions were easy to follow, and worked without any major fuss.
Since we’re using Hugo here, make sure the .gitlab-ci.yml
file references the
output path static/.well-known/acme-challenge
The CI environment variables where you will configure CERT_DOMAINS
is located in the project settings, under “CI /
CD”. Make sure to set CERT_TOKEN
as Protected!
Create a “Scheduling Pipeline”. In theory if I ever had multiple scheduled
jobs, then each should have a JOBNAME
variable to check against in the
job configuration?
Lastly, create the “User Access Token”, with api
scope. Make sure to save the
token somewhere safe in case you accidentally lose it.